L&M investigations. When men take care of their appearance.

Dr. Catherine De Goursac, MD

Les enquêtes de L&M " Quand les hommes soignent leur apparence " Catherine De Goursac, MD Aesthetic doctor and #AntiAge for over 25 years. Aesthetic medical practice in Paris XVII Video Interview zone [S02E30] Aesthetic surgery and medicine Report and interview: "Aesthetic treatments for men". I/ I/ INTRODUCTION: A SOCIETAL MUTATION IS AT WORK. WE [...]

LM 2. What is the role of the physician in medical cosmetology? Anne Laure KIRCH

L&M surveys What is the place of the doctor in medical cosmetology? Uses and customs, Consumption in medical cosmetology. Anne-Laure KIRCH, MD CHU Henri Mondor. Créteil. "The possibility of a personalized skin diagnosis, adapted advice and trust in the medical world are the arguments most frequently cited by the general public. [...]
